Despite the pandemic, MES managed to mark this incredibly important day following all measures of precaution. Together with otu parners from Greece (SPP) and Albania (PPNEA) we counted the Dalmatian and Great White Pelican pairs on Lesser and Greater Prespa Lakes. We moved along predefined points of interest and on the way met with our collaborators from Nature Park “Ezerani”, and several activists and volunteers from the region that helped us finally and timely reach our last destination, one of the most special places in our country – Golem Grad island. The whole experience was documented using facebook live and you can see the video in English here as well as videos of us approaching and circling the island. For more videos with Macedonian content please visit the Macedonian version of this post and also enjoy the photographs.
Markova Noga Шумска желка/Hermann’s torotise Бел штрк/White stork Орел змијар/Short-toed snake eagle Блатна перуника/Yellow иris Ezerani Ноќни чапји/Black-crowned night heron Селски ластовички/Barn swallows Македонска гуштерица/Erhaard’s wall lizard Golema Reka Јајца од желка/Tortoise eggs Езерска жаба/Marsh frog Полноглавци/Tadpoles Гоелми корморани/Great cormorants Блатна школка/Swan mussel Сива чапја/Grey heron Golem Grad Golem Grad
Saying hi to our international colleagues and followers from v. Konjsko
Approaching Golem Grad Island
Riding around the island
A message from our friends and colleagues from National Park “Galichica”