The transboundary nature of Prespa and Baba Mt. implores transboundary cooperation and coordination in order to achieve the efficient conservation of the region that PrespaNet strives for. Consequently, when MES was invited to join the Biology Students’ Research Society in their biological and ecological investigations of Baba Mt. (particularly national park “Pelister”) from July 8th-13th, we used PrespaNet to reach out and invite student volunteers from the three countries where the Prespa basin stretches.

During the intense field research, we explored the biological diversity of the mountain, generously shared knowledge and experience with over thirty students, and noted any new biological and ecological data for the national park, as well as what has sadly gone missing and is possibly now extinct. Collecting such data proved to have a two-fold purpose – research and education. The project foresees the organisation of a similar camp in 2020 in Greece.